Christians What is STOPPING YOU from Self Publishing ?


You have a book idea and now what? Self-Publishing Company and Self-Publishing are not the same and I will explain the difference. I have used both processes in publishing my books and I want to share short cuts, point you in the right direction, save you time, money, and mistakes. The information will cover: Distractions, Corporate Seal - added special touch, Business Cards and Point of Contact information, Self-Fulfillment and why, Printed Book Size and Margins, Why Titles and Domains are an important first step, Completely Self-Publishing and additional information. The biggest point of all, Pray!


Simple, right to the point information (Keeping it simple and specific). This will give you a birds-eye view of what is involved in becoming a published author.


“A Modern Day Job” my second book was unveiled on August 19, 2019 at The City of David in Israel. This was All on God’s time. I give God ALL the Praise and Glory. My prayer is that people see Jesus, not me.


Christians What is STOPPING YOU from Self Publishing? Share your stories with the world, the World needs your testimonies.


God bless you, GW Tolley